
First, let me address the elephant in the room: Yes, I assure you that “Marilynn Monroe” has been my Universe-given name since birth. As you can imagine, receiving comments and questions about my name is the norm for me.

Now that that’s out of the way, a little about myself:

My name is Marilynn Monroe and I’ll be your guide, mentor, and best friend through your personal transformation journey!

My mission is to help you create a confident and secure version of yourself. This won’t be easy; I’ll challenge you to confront uncomfortable emotions you’ve been avoiding in order to heal.

I’m a firm believer in the saying, “In order to heal, you’ve gotta feel.” F*cking sucks sometimes, too. But, I promise that once you’re finally on the other side, the indescribably euphoric phase of accomplishing your goals sets in, you’ll realize that it was all worth it.

What makes my teachings more authentic than others?

Teaching is so much more to me than just doing something and expecting others to follow. It’s about inspiring and empowering you to use your natural gifts and succeed on your own.

I’ve spent years doing some intense soul-searching to discover who the hell I am and what I value in life.

One of the things that makes me qualified to do what I do is the fact that I’ve actually lived and survived many different forms of hell on Earth in the forms of:

  • Addiction
  • Narcissistic abuse among other forms of abuse
  • Sudden and tragic loss
  • Homelessness as a child
  • Abandonment
  • PTSD
  • Most recently I’ve been dealing with crappy quality ADHD medication following the COVID pandemic. My meds suddenly stopped working well for me about 2 years ago and it’s like playing Russian roulette each month I pick up my prescriptions. One month I’ll have horrid side effects such as stomach pain, anxiety, depression. The next month I have a handful of really good days where I’m playing catchup on all of the things I’ve let fall behind. I feel like a fragment of the person I used to be most days, but I’m finding the strength recently to step out of survival mode in order to continue to pursue my goals by creating content on here to help others who are struggling.

I don’t come from wealth. I’ve had to crawl my way back up from the depths of hell by finding the motivation to finally change my thinking patterns and actions even though I didn’t have a solid foundation to build on.

I’ve used several traumatic experiences as fuel to become the flawed optimist I am today. After tragically losing my dad in 2014, I was left feeling some raw emotions that were very uncomfortable. Trying to find any relief possible, self-destruction became my best friend. I was drowning in self-pity, substance, and toxic relationships until I became completely submerged and lost my sense of self.

It wasn’t until shortly after my little girl was born in 2017 that I broke free from my lifelong trance of self-pity and limiting beliefs. Holding her in my arms made me realize that love still existed in my life if I was willing to embrace it.

Do I still have sh*tty days from time to time? Yep!

Do I make mistakes and feel defeated sometimes? Obviously.

But, the difference is: I don’t let that sh*t define me anymore.

Some days it still seems impossible, especially when I’m not feeling quite like myself. I’ve decided not to let that hold me back any longer, however.

I want to teach others how to turn their dream lives into realities for themselves and their children because we all deserve the best.  

It took me nearly a decade to start improving my life and it still takes mindfulness and self-discipline on my part to maintain all of the hard work I’ve invested in myself.

One of the main reasons why most people give up on any form of self-improvement

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and have come to the conclusion the main reason most people say f*ck it and give up on healthy habits in less than 30 days is:

  1. Most people don’t keep up with new, healthier routines long enough to reap any sort of benefits. They’re looking for that quick fix that you get when you eat your favorite foods, gamble, have sex, you know. All the fun stuff! The trick is to stick with it long enough to finally break through to something I like to call, “the euphoric phase.” I’m talking about the same trigger that goes off in your head if you indulge in fun things like food, sex, drugs, etc. I’m basically trying to get you high off your own supply! Supply of positive thoughts and actions that is. You just have to stick it out for at least 30 days in order to start seeing any benefits that will leave you feeling hooked on your new, healthier lifestyle.
  2. Our brains are literally programmed to stick with what’s familiar and feels safe because this is what kept us alive millions of years ago. Picture yourself as a caveperson. Loincloth wearing, super dirty, smelly, hairy version of yourself that didn’t stray far from your fellow tribe. To do so, could’ve literally meant facing certain death by being mauled by a saber tooth tiger or some sh*t. Point being, this way of thinking has been embedded in our DNA over the years to protect us and still sticks with us today. Even if you’re unhappy, living what feels like an unfulfilled life with no ambitions, you’re still staying, “safe” by not taking any chances at setting and accomplishing your goals because your instincts are telling you that stepping out of your comfort zone is dangerous. Sounds counterproductive doesn’t it? That’s because it is. This way of thinking only hinders our progress this day in age. Mosy of us are existing but not really living.

As humans, we don’t give ourselves enough credit for what we can accomplish if we truly put our minds and actions to it. Which includes picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and getting back out there to living your f*cking life!

My promise to you

One of my promises to you is to save you valuable time that you could be spending on living your life. I will provide you with straightforward, no-BS content that offers actionable tools to help you thrive and reinvent yourself. I am here to guide you on the path you were always meant to take: a path of abundance, joy, and freedom.

If I can go from being a self-destructive trainwreck who was drowning in self-pity to this happily abnormal small business owner, then you can achieve your goals, too!

If you want to learn how to live in abundance, and unlock your true, kick-ass potential, be sure to subscribe to my blog and share my posts to spread the word!

Much love,
